NEICON 4th Annual Conference

October 1, 2016
NEICON 4th International Conference on September 24-30, 2016 was hold in Estoril, Portugal.
Main Goal of the Conference:

To define a role of Russian and foreign digital resources and services their development and efficient use in realization of governmental policy aimed at increasing the level of Russian education and science, quality of Russian scholarly publications, development of the system of Russian periodicals and an increase in the Russian presence in a scope of the world scientific information.Discussion topics include but not limited to:
• International and Russian burning problems in the information support areas. Governmental initiatives and projects of the information support of Russian research, education and culture.
• Advancement and promotion of the scientific research managing tools. State-of-the-day analysis in Russia and in the world.
• Policies and the latest developments of leading world and Russian providers of educational and scholarly resources and research management tools. E-books and Russian Electronic Library Systems (ELS). The Russian and world markets.
• Digital resource management. Russian and foreign electronic resources: identification, acquisition, promotion and use. Master-classes and special events of world leading information providers.
• The international and national consortiums’ role in the informational support of scientific research. «Open Access Initiative» latest developments. The modern trends of the negotiation process.
• Increasing of the level of Russian research and education. The russian authors publication activity. Modern editorial-and-publishing standards and technologies. Advancement of Russian journals to the international stage. Association of Science Editors and Publishers (ASEP) and its role in increasing the science level and international status of Russian publications.
• Learning programs for Russian publishers, authors, research managers, and librarians.
The latest products of world leading providers of digital scholarly information will be presented within the scope of conference program and at the publishers’ exhibition to be organized in a separate conference venue.