Tag Archives: writing experience

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Writing, Publishing and Marketing in 2020

Publishing houses traditionally published books but today, authors take on this responsibility themselves. They use their visibility on social media platforms, connections with other authors and the relationship with media outlets to reach their target audience of potential readers.

The level of their influence and reach affects how many books they are able to sell. This is not to say that quality does not play an important role too. In 2020, book publishing and marketing lives largely online and interviews, podcasts, webinars and workshops are all proving to be viable alternatives to the traditional book launch.

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How Screenwriters Can Handle Rejection?

Let’s face it: Rejection is a part of life, and there’s no way you can escape it, no matter how old you are. And for screenwriters, rejection can be crippling at times.

Countless screenwriters want to turn their scripts into movies and TV shows; they want to make a living by writing and selling scripts. So, with the expectation of putting scripts to film, they begin to realize that there tends to be only a few slots for Hollywood to fill. And, with a few slots to fill, screenwriters will become fearful of rejection.

But why?

As we explore this mental health issue a bit further, we’ll also discover how screenwriters can combat these negative feelings of sending a script out only to be rejected. And although rejection can hurt at first, we hope that writers can find it in their hearts to cope with the possibility of rejection and learn from their experience.

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