
Workshop for the authors of articles in the western scientific publishing

April 17, 2015
Points of the seminar:
– selection of the journal for publication
– quality criteria of article
– technical, stylistic and substantive requirements for scientific article
– requirements for annotations
– editorial process and processing times and placing publications

– co-authorship

– rejected articles
– how to use the guide for authors on the site
– how to improve the chances of articles for publication

Room: B-636; 11:30 AM
The seminar will be held by Alexis Vizcaino,
editor of SPRINGER, in English.

The purpose of the seminar is to introduce Russian authors with the recommendations and requirements of the presents articles, and increase chances for their publication in the Western scientific journals.
The seminar focused on researchers, professors and graduate students aimed at improving performance of citation and reflection of their publications in analytical systems SCOPUS and WoS.
At the seminar you will be able to ask questions directly to the editor of a prestigious scientific publishing house, make a decision on publication or rejection of the article and get answers and comments directly in the auditorium.