Ufa, Russia, is home to the country’s first Access group, launched in 2004. In the same school building where it all began, English Language Fellow Johanna Campbell was welcomed by the program’s current Bashkir students in the region’s traditional costume, presenting their native Chak-Chak desert tower of local honey-laden pastry.
Presentation Proposal: As Wisconsin’s Polytechnic University, the University of Wisconsin-Stout prepares students for the workforce through the application of our polytechnic tenets: applied learning, career focus and collaboration.
In 2019, NUST MISIS for the first time opens enrollment on English-taught postgraduate programmes in two areas: “Physics and Astronomy” and “Materials Technology”. Postgraduate students will have the opportunity to work as part of international research groups on the basis of modern world-class laboratories and to undergo internships at leading universities in Europe and in the US.
The magic time of the 15th Winter Methodology School (January 30 – 31, 2019) flew like a short beautiful moment having left an unforgettable atmosphere of creativity, joy, happiness, friendliness, devotion to the pedagogical vocation and professionalism. Continue reading The 15th Winter Methodology School in Novosibirsk→
On November 7th and 8th, 2018, NUST MISIS hosted the 5th International Conference on ESP/EAP/EMI in the Context of Internationalizing Higher Education.