
Tips To Boost Your Creativity

Creativity involves looking at issues from different perspectives, connecting and merging concepts, and questioning traditional assumptions. This skill isn’t limited to writers, musicians, or artists; it’s a valuable skill for all kinds of people. Creativity is akin to a muscle, so you must exercise it regularly. And that involves stretching and challenging it every day. Here are 8 surefire tips to boost your creativity.

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How Screenwriters Can Handle Rejection?

Let’s face it: Rejection is a part of life, and there’s no way you can escape it, no matter how old you are. And for screenwriters, rejection can be crippling at times.

Countless screenwriters want to turn their scripts into movies and TV shows; they want to make a living by writing and selling scripts. So, with the expectation of putting scripts to film, they begin to realize that there tends to be only a few slots for Hollywood to fill. And, with a few slots to fill, screenwriters will become fearful of rejection.

But why?

As we explore this mental health issue a bit further, we’ll also discover how screenwriters can combat these negative feelings of sending a script out only to be rejected. And although rejection can hurt at first, we hope that writers can find it in their hearts to cope with the possibility of rejection and learn from their experience.

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5 Tips to Write Correct and Easy to Perceive

Writing correctly and clearly is an important part of learning basic professional skills that you can later use anywhere. If you are not easily understood by your reader, it will be quite hard for you to establish an online presence or build any online relationships. However, in this era where the online environment is taking over, writing effectively is one of the biggest assets you could develop. From writing e-mails to official letters or even essays, you should be preparing yourself for what is to come. Here is a guide on how to write correctly and efficiently and how to improve yourself on this subject.

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How to Write Without Muse?

Writer’s block is one of the greatest challenges that most writers around the world face. It doesn’t matter if you write blog posts or American Novels. Writer’s block not only lowers your self-confidence but also steals your writing motivation. So, how do you write when it’s so hard to get going? In this article, we are going to share with you a few simple tips that will help you keep on keeping on. But first, let’s find out what a muse is.

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covid 19

The Writing Corner on Academic Writing, Surviving the Pandemic, June 01

In our weekly newsletter, we present a series of topics designed to address students’ concerns about the elements and characteristics of academic writing. 

Last week I shared with you how my students and I delivered presentations via video chat where we talked about the music, literature, art, and other media from which we are drawing comfort and inspiration during these times. Continue reading The Writing Corner on Academic Writing, Surviving the Pandemic, June 01